A whole structure of law has been erected to deal with the interface of governmental power and the citizenry. From 1983 cases through constitutional challenges, the lawyers at Hedrick Gardner have dealt with these issues on behalf of numerous entities. From Fayetteville and Raleigh through Charlotte to Asheville, our lawyers have represented cities dealing with allegations of police misconduct, shootings, automobile chases, search and seizure and the full range of issues that surround modern police work. In addition, our lawyers have dealt with a host of issues in the area of public transit from personal injuries and wrongful deaths arising from the alleged negligent operation of public transportation through the institution of a safety audit in which our attorneys worked with city personnel to analyze and deal with safety issues in a proactive way. Our expertise allows us to work in conjunction with our clients to help avoid recurrent problems and analyze the most likely areas where future problems may manifest themselves. Claims against public entities arise in all areas including solid waste, noise violations at airports, and even will caveats where public entities may be contingent beneficiaries. Our lawyers have even helped design risk manuals to guide in the intergovernmental consortiums for transit and other entities. Looming over all questions of public liability is the ever vexing issue of public official immunity and the nuances of its application in conjunction with waiver, insurance, and equal protection. Even the most experienced public risk manager can at times need a seasoned guide to help navigate in this often-changing area. The lawyers at Hedrick Gardner can help provide surefooted direction and aggressive protection of the rights of public entities and municipalities.

Public Entities and Municipalities Litigation
Governmental entities and municipalities face many of the same issues that arise for most of our clients. However, because of their special place in society, public entities are also called upon to deal with many unique problems in the exercise of their governmental powers.